A Note From Valeska, Founder & Creator of Delivering Joy
Due to personal reasons Delivering Joy has closed its doors.
Whilst I love and stand behind the mission and vision for Delivering Joy, I have come to the conclusion that now is not the right time to be pursuing Delivering Joy and I will be focussing on my family and other business.
The time, and financial, commitment it takes to develop, maintain, and market an innovative ecommerce product is huge, and this is not currently aligning to my life situation and values.
I have immense gratitude for the support people have given me and Delivering Joy. Thank you for being here, I couldn't have come this far without you.
I don’t think I will ever really stop delivering joy to people ;) it will just be via different methods for now.
And I strongly encourage you to go out there and continue to deliver joy to the people in your life when they need it. Your actions, care and support could make all the difference to their days, their mental and emotional health, and the way they manage what they are going through.
With love, gratitude and joy,
Valeska x

If you are interesting in following my other business, On Course Projects, click the links below
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Facebook: @oncourseprojects